What's On Our Radar

Here's how you can help our fishermen and farmers

After three typhoons in a span of weeks, there are many places in the Philippines in need of food and other donations.

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The Philippines has been visited by three typhoons in the last few weeks. Although we seem to have seen the last of Typhoon Ulysses, in its wake are many people that need some help—not least of which are the fishing and farming communities that often take the brunt of these calamities.

Reef Picks is still taking donations for the residents of Isla Verde, Batangas, including medicines and plastic-free food (such as rice, eggs, or canned goods). Monetary donations will also fund new boats for the fishermen, as they've lost a vital source of their livelihood when the old boats were taken out by Typhoon Rolly.

On Instagram, Reef Picks is also urging people to continue to donate to organizations that are working directly with severely affected communities.

If you want to provide donations of food or medicine, please contact Reef Picks via Instagram or text Gela Petines at +63956202770.

Photos provided by Reef Picks
Donation details for Reef Picks

Meanwhile, non-profit organization CORA is still accepting donations for farmers in San Fernando, Camarines Sur, to fund building materials, relief goods, and hygiene supplies as they continue to recover from Typhoons Quinta and Rolly.

Donation details for CORA

If you're looking for a more comprehensive view of the affected areas, #YouthRisePH has compiled this helpful sheet that outlines some of the various places around the Philippines that are still on the road to recovery, from farmers in Bicol to the Aeta communities in Central Luzon.