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Geric Cruz


Geric Cruz is a freelance photographer and videographer based inManila. Recently, his residency project Second Star to the Right was chosen to be exhibited at the Delhi Photo Festival in New Delhi, India. The same work was also nominated as a finalist in the 2013 Invisible Photographer Photo Essay Asia Award and The Colorful Guizhou 6th Photo China Original International Photographic Exhibition. He has exhibited his works in Manila, Korea, USA, Singapore, India and China.

Strange Brew

A return to the mystical island of Siquijor gives a second look at the magic found in the plants, the land, and the folk practices that have endured through centuries.

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Our Time In Eden

Nayna Katigbak visits the natural wonder that is Danjugan Island, and finds out that, for once, human beings aren’t the villains here.

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