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Fruhlein Econar

Writer & Photographer

Fruhlein is the former Features Editor at GRID and is currently based in New York. has a mole at the sole of her foot, hence the inability to stay still in once place. She keeps her sanity intact by meticulously planning out her next exit strategy, delusionally hoping to balance a career in photography, magazines, and academia. Will fly anywhere in a heartbeat to write and/or photograph.

30 Mins. With Martin San Diego

We talk to photojournalist Martin San Diego about his experience working in the Bangsamoro region, and what he’s learned from the new generation of Moro youth finding their place in the world.

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Whang-od Loves Coco Martin

Can we still earn our tattoos? A trip to Buscalan offers a closer look at traditional tattoo culture and the legendary Kalinga mambabatok Whang-od.

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Between Two Breaths

The freediving communities in Anilao, Cebu, and Panglao reveal the growing popularity of a sport that is as extreme as it is beautiful.

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The Wrestling Revolution

The story of the Philippine Wrestling Revolution begins and ends with a group of wrestling fans.

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Making Waves

Waves for Water Philippines is bucking old notions of the NGO and volunteer experience, one filter at a time.

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